[SIZE="5"]انا بقالى اكثر من 4 شهور ببعت لللدعم علشان البن كود وبعتلهم صورة البطاقة
واخيرا ردو عليا ومع انى عرفت اللى جه فى الرسالة لكن مش فاهم هو كدة خلاص مش محتاج البن كود ولا ايه
ودلوقتى لما ادخل حسابى موجود رسالتين باللون الاحمر مفادهم انى المفروض عليا تفعيل البن كود ورقم التليفون
وحتى لما بحاول ادخل على تفعيل رقم الهاتف بيقولى .لا نستطيع تنفيذ طلبك الان يرجى ادخال البن كود بعد ساعة ,
والله انا ما عدت فاهم حاجة خالص وكمان الموقع بيعرض اعلانات الخدمة العامة بقاله يوم
ودة نص الرسالة اللى بعتوهالى
( Hello,
Thank you for taking the time to write to us. We've confirmed that your account balance is over US $10, so we've activated the phone verification requirement in your account.
Please sign in your AdSense account and visit the Payment History page, under the My Account tab. Once there, click the phone verification message, then arrange a time for you to verify your phone number.
Prior to doing so, please note that phone numbers with extensions do not work with our PIN verification system.
We are constantly working on improving our online resources and the support we are providing to our publishers. However if the above reply does not address your query please, accept our apologies. In this case, we kindly encourage you to visit our Help Center again at https://www.google.com/adsense/support and re-submit your query using an appropriate Contact us Form. You may also post your question on the AdSense Help Forum at http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/adsense?hl=en .
We appreciate your continued patience and co-operation with our account verification system.
The Google AdSense Team )[/SIZE]
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