السياسي السويسري دانييل ستريتش
وقد ذكرت تقارير صحفية أن السياسي السويسري دانييل ستريتش والذي قاد حملة لمنع المآذن في سويسرا مؤخرا، قد أشهر إسلامه.
ودانيل سياسي معروف وعضو في حزب الشعب السويسري واشتهر عقب إطلاقه حملة لمنع بناء المآذن وإغلاق المساجد في سويسرا بحجة تعارضها مع ثقافة البلد وديانته ومشاعر شعبه.
وحسبما ذكرت صحيفة "السبيل" الأردنية، تمكن دانييل من توسيع حملته المعارضة للإسلام في مختلف أنحاء سويسرا ومهد لزيادة شعبيته بإثارة الكراهية ضد المسلمين والتحريض ضد دينهم.
وأثار الإعلان عن إسلام دانييل، ردود أفعال متباينة على الساحتين السياسية والشعبية في سويسرا خاصة لمن أيد منع بناء المآذن.
ويبدو أن أفكار السياسي السويسري المعارضة للإسلام، دفعته أخيرا للتفكير مليا في كل شيء ومراجعة مواقفه وتفهم الدين الإسلامي مما قربه من تعاليمه وجعله يخجل مما قام به ليتحول حلمه من محاربة الإسلام إلى بناء المزيد من المساجد في أوروبا.
ووفقا للموقع السويسري الذي أورد الخبر وتجاهلته وسائل الإعلام، فإن دانييل استقال من حزب الشعب وتوارى عن الأنظار عقب إشهار إسلامه.
URGENT: Islam Daniel, who was behind a ban on minarets in Switzerland
Swiss political Daniel Stretch
The press reports that the Swiss political grip on Daniel, who led the campaign to ban minarets in Switzerland recently, he has professed Islam.
Daniel-known political and member of the Swiss People's Party and became famous after a launch campaign to prevent the building of minarets and the closure of mosques in Switzerland grounds conflict with the country's culture, religion and the feelings of his people.
The newspaper reported "the way" of Jordan, Daniel was able to expand his opposition to Islam in different parts of Switzerland and increased his popularity paved the way for provoking hatred against Muslims and incitement against their religion.
The declaration triggered for Islam Daniel, mixed reactions on both the political and popular in Switzerland, especially those who supported the building of minarets banned.
It appears that the ideas of the Swiss political opposition to Islam, led him finally to reflect on everything and review the attitudes and understanding of the Islamic religion which its proximity to the teachings and made him ashamed of what he did to turn his dream of fighting Islam to build more mosques in Europe.
According to the site of Switzerland, who reported the news and ignored by the media, Daniel resigned from the People's Party and went into hiding after the declaration of Islam
Swiss political Daniel Stretch
The press reports that the Swiss political grip on Daniel, who led the campaign to ban minarets in Switzerland recently, he has professed Islam.
Daniel-known political and member of the Swiss People's Party and became famous after a launch campaign to prevent the building of minarets and the closure of mosques in Switzerland grounds conflict with the country's culture, religion and the feelings of his people.
The newspaper reported "the way" of Jordan, Daniel was able to expand his opposition to Islam in different parts of Switzerland and increased his popularity paved the way for provoking hatred against Muslims and incitement against their religion.
The declaration triggered for Islam Daniel, mixed reactions on both the political and popular in Switzerland, especially those who supported the building of minarets banned.
It appears that the ideas of the Swiss political opposition to Islam, led him finally to reflect on everything and review the attitudes and understanding of the Islamic religion which its proximity to the teachings and made him ashamed of what he did to turn his dream of fighting Islam to build more mosques in Europe.
According to the site of Switzerland, who reported the news and ignored by the media, Daniel resigned from the People's Party and went into hiding after the declaration of Islam