New Year’s gift
Enjoy 1000 free SMS to all Vodafone numbers
To subscribe, Dial *3030# for 3 LE
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To know your consumption, Dial *123# for free
- This Promo is valid for all Vodafone customers
- Subscription is valid for a limited time. So subscribe now and enjoy the promo until the 30th of January
- Daily cap of the free SMS is 35 SMSs daily
power to yo
Enjoy 1000 free SMS to all Vodafone numbers
To subscribe, Dial *3030# for 3 LE
Or go to and subscribe
To know your consumption, Dial *123# for free
- This Promo is valid for all Vodafone customers
- Subscription is valid for a limited time. So subscribe now and enjoy the promo until the 30th of January
- Daily cap of the free SMS is 35 SMSs daily
power to yo