Google One Pass - new payment system from google

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As usual, Google is unique in presenting what is new and innovative to its customers .

Google One Pass is a new advanced payment system , that google launched Wednesday, 02.16.2011 and it will targeted Companies that distributes the press , electronic magazines or any publishers with digital content and want to set terms for access to them .

Google has announced that the most important features of Google One Pass is :

• The full flexibility in dealing with the merchant and the customer .
• Working on all sites In addition to Compatibility with mobile phones .
• The high degree of control of the seller or merchant in his own.

For profit from this system Google's share will be 10% of each sale and purchase of products.

Watch this video on how Google One Pass working ,

تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

You can try and know more details abou Google One Pass and by sign up from this link ,

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