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كلمات اغنية Cavo - Beautiful


Cavo - beautiful


When everything comes back around and leaves you lying on the ground alone
When the pictures fade but not the face and no one's there to take your place
Just don't be shy

Go ahead and try to change when everything in life is not so beautiful
Go ahead and try to rearrange when everyone that shines is not so beautiful
They won't hold you, and I can't let you go

We're saving lives in symmetry when you come crawling back to me
But we're failing as the chemicals change your mind and leave you
Just don't be shy

Go ahead and try to change when everything in life is not so beautiful
Go ahead and try to rearrange when everyone that shines is not so beautiful
They won't hold you, and I can't let you go

They watched you fall to pieces the only thing that kept you holding on this long
They tried so hard to leave you never cared enough to say this, "someone save her!"
تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

Go ahead and try to change when everything in life is not so beautiful
Go ahead and try to rearrange when everyone that shines is not so beautiful
They won't hold you, and I can't let you go

Save her!
Someone save her!
Someone save her!
She's beautiful...

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مواضيع مشابهة:
كلمات اغنية انا اصلا جن محمد رمضان و المدفعية كلمات اغنية اديك تتعلم منى فيلم قلب الاسد
كلمات اغنية كتر شيرك محمد منير 2013 اعلان فودافون كلمات اغنية المصري اصيل يحب الشير
كلمات اغنية حقي برقبتي كلمات اغنية فيلم جيم اوفر يسرا ومي عز الدين , كلمات اغنية اه يابنت يامزة
Cavo - Beautiful + lyrics
كلمات اغنية تامر عاشور من الالبوم الجديد 2010 كلمات اغنية عشان الحب

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