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نموذج اجابة امتحان اللغة الانجليزية المرحلة الثانية تالتة ثانوي 13-6-2011


نموذج اجابة امتحان اللغة الانجليزية المرحلة الثانية ثالثة ثانوي 13-6-2011 , حل امتحان اللغة الاجنبية الاولى المرحلة الثانية من الثانوية العامة 2011 تالتة ثانوي 3ث

هنا لمتابعة كل جديد بالموضوع اول باول

كما تعودنا في نجوم مصرية وسنظل دائما
مع التواصل مع جميع اخوتنا الطلاب وبعدما قمنا باجابة امتحان
امس في اللغة العربية المرحلة الاولى

شاااارك الاجابات مع اصدقائك من هنااااااا واطمئنوا جميعا

نتواصل دوما معكم بنموذج اجابة امتحان اللغة الانجليزية للمرحلة الثانية
من الثانوية العامة 3 ث
لطمئنة الطلاب واهلهم لهذه المرحلة المهمة في حياتهم

حمل من هناااااااااا :: الامتحان كاملا ::

حمل الان اجابة الامتحان كاملا من حل مدرس لغة انجليزية متخصص

شاااارك الاجابات مع اصدقائك من هنااااااا واطمئنوا جميعا

اجابة سؤال الترجمة

وضعت مصر اول لبنه في صرح الديمقراطية المصريه.
Egypt put the first brick in the edifice of Egyptian democracy.

يري الكثيرون ان العولمة تخدم الدول الغنية علي حساب الدول الفقيره

.Many feel that globalization serves the rich States at the expense of poor countries

ضغط هنا لمتابعة كل جديد بالموضوع اول باول

سؤال صحح الخطأ

Peace known to be constructive

Splitting of cells produces nuclear power

that's the boy which dog bit me last friday

There was a lake in the oil tank, so the car broke down

Eighty kilometers is along was to travel using two liters of petrol.


Peace (knows) to be constructive is known

2-Splitting) of cells produces nuclear power) atoms

3-that's the boy (which) dog bit me last friday Whose

4-There was a (lake) in the oil tank, so the car broke down Leak

5-Eighty kilometers is along (way) to travel using two liters of petrol. Distance

شاااارك الاجابات مع اصدقائك من هنااااااا واطمئنوا جميعا

المقال "نموذج اجابة امتحان اللغة الانجليزية المرحلة الثانية تالتة ثانوي 13-6-2011" نشر بواسطة: بتاريخ:
Nile Son
اجابة سؤال الترجمة

وضعت مصر اول لبنه في صرح الديمقراطية المصريه.
Egypt put the first brick in the edifice of Egyptian democracy.

يري الكثيرون ان العولمة تخدم الدول الغنية علي حساب الدول الفقيره

.Many feel that globalization serves the rich States at the expense of poor countries
Nile Son
اجابة سؤال صحح الخطا

Peace (knows) to be constructive is known

2-Splitting) of cells produces nuclear power) atoms

3-that's the boy (which) dog bit me last friday Whose

4-There was a (lake) in the oil tank, so the car broke down Leak

5-Eighty kilometers is along (way) to travel using two liters of petrol. Distance
محمد طه الليثى
الشوز مش محتاج كل هذا الوقت مطلوب
رقم الاجابة من الاربعة وخلصين
16 جملة فى 10 ثوانى
Nile Son
سيتم انزال الاجابات النموذجية
فور وصولها الينا اخي محمد
تمنيتي لك بالتوفيق
محمد طه الليثى
حد يحل سؤال الشوز هذا
3) Choose the correct answer from a, b. c or d:
1- Samir has two sisters; of them are older than him.
a) neither b) none c) both d) each
2- The astronauts are going to a space station in space.
a) build b) invent c) analyze d) arrest
3- Mona promised that she home tomorrow.
a) be b) would have been c) will have been d) will be
4- Arab countries shouldn't be in as they face the same challenges.
a) condition b) confidence c) harmony d)conflict
5- If you can't dictate your conditions, you negotiate.
a) will b) should c) need d) ought
6- A/An is a ceremony in which somebody officially becomes a king.
a) occasion b) debate c) organization d) coronation
7- I want to buy a new villa, so I save a lot of money.
a)am going to b) will c) going to d) will be
8- The medical condition of not being able to remember anything is called
a) megalomania b) insomnia c) amnesia d) phobia
9- The play is suggested to because the leading actor is ill.
a) being cancelled b) cancel c) have cancelled d) be cancelled
10- All the Egyptians should co-operate to save the country from any foreign
a) evaluation b) invasion c) excavation d) exploration
11- For centuries, the wind has been used ships.
a) to sailing b) sailed c) sailing d) to sail
12- There is a special in our kitchen for cutting vegetables.
a) budget b) bracelet c) gadget d) saw
13- Samia asked Hala she was doing anything the next day.
a) unless b) whether c) without d) except
14- Most creatures have some features.
a) common b) comment c) complain d) insulated
15- Had it rained so heavily, we floods.
a) wouldn't have had b) would have c) would have had d) may have
16- Mr. Ali is very He wants to have a company of his own.
a) ambitious b) grateful c) graceful d) sociable
Nile Son
حد يحل سؤال الشوز هذا
3) Choose the correct answer from a, b. c or d:
1- Samir has two sisters; of them are older than him.
a) neither b) none c) both d) each
2- The astronauts are going to a space station in space.
a) build b) invent c) analyze d) arrest
3- Mona promised that she home tomorrow.
a) be b) would have been c) will have been d) will be
4- Arab countries shouldn't be in as they face the same challenges.
a) condition b) confidence c) harmony d)conflict
5- If you can't dictate your conditions, you negotiate.
a) will b) should c) need d) ought
6- A/An is a ceremony in which somebody officially becomes a king.
a) occasion b) debate c) organization d) coronation
7- I want to buy a new villa, so I save a lot of money.
a)am going to b) will c) going to d) will be
8- The medical condition of not being able to remember anything is called
a) megalomania b) insomnia c) amnesia d) phobia
9- The play is suggested to because the leading actor is ill.
a) being cancelled b) cancel c) have cancelled d) be cancelled
10- All the Egyptians should co-operate to save the country from any foreign
a) evaluation b) invasion c) excavation d) exploration
11- For centuries, the wind has been used ships.
a) to sailing b) sailed c) sailing d) to sail
12- There is a special in our kitchen for cutting vegetables.
a) budget b) bracelet c) gadget d) saw
13- Samia asked Hala she was doing anything the next day.
a) unless b) whether c) without d) except
14- Most creatures have some features.
a) common b) comment c) complain d) insulated
15- Had it rained so heavily, we floods.
a) wouldn't have had b) would have c) would have had d) may have
16- Mr. Ali is very He wants to have a company of his own.
a) ambitious b) grateful c) graceful d) sociable
1- both
2- Build
3-will be
7-am going to
9-be cancelled
11-to sail
15-would have had

اسم العضو:
سؤال عشوائي يجب الاجابة عليه


رابط دائم

مواضيع مشابهة:
نموذج اجابة امتحان اللغة الانجليزية ثالثه ثانوى 2013 اليوم الاثنين 10 يونيو
نموذج اجابة امتحان اللغة الانجليزية , المرحلة الثانية 11/6/2012
نموذج اجابة امتحان اللغة العربية المرحلة الاولى من الثانوية العامة ثانية ثانوي 12-6-2011
نموذج اجابة امتحان اللغة الانجليزيه 2 ثانوى 2011
نموذج امتحان اللغة الانجليزية لغة اجنبية اولى المرحلة الثانية ثانوية عامة تالتة ثانوي 13-6-2011

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