Twitter to get more information in the event of earthquakes.

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U.S. Geological Survey Center, who is warned of the risk of earthquakes, said he uses Twitter to get more information in the event of earthquakes.
The Centre is examining the messages exchanged between the subscribers
Site to see the power of vibrations caused by the earthquake in the areas inhabited by the participants.
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It was noted that the movement of the exchange of messages between subscribers on the site have increased significantly after the occurrence of earthquakes and the Centre believes that the emergency centers may benefit from the information provided by subscribers as Twitter can be used for example to assess the situation on the ground more quickly.
But the center pointed out that the information provided by social networking sites will be used only as a source of additional information besides those provided by existing sources of scientific monitoring.
Dr. Earl Paul told the BBC that "Twitter messages flowing seconds after the earthquake monitoring centers either scientific reports still takes between 2 to 20 minutes depending on the location area of the earthquake."
Earl gave an explanation of the "earthquake monitoring via Twitter" at the annual meeting of the Federation of Trade Unions geologists in the United States, which includes the largest number of earth scientists in the world.
He explained the programming expert at the Center of the U.S. Geological Survey said Michael Jay Twitter provides a steady stream of messages and that the center has developed a program to filter these messages produce messages that contain words such as "earthquake" "earthquake" and Kharenha around the clock.
The center stores messages when Twitter and register any of the monitoring centers in the United States earthquake the program directly monitor the movement of the exchange of messages via Twitter during the period that preceded the quake and to know the volume of traffic through them.
If there was an increase in the messages the program to send messages to the relevant experts include information on the places that came from Twitter messages and samples of these messages.
The experts in this program to filter the messages that the process is not an easy task because many of the messages may include words such as "vibration" to refer to video games or even the type of ice cream called this name.
Dr Paul Earl, "that the letters received contains a wealth of information not related to Ballahzazac ground we do not believe that he is relying on the program to do some precautionary measures are important, such as closure of nuclear reactors but can provide us with preliminary information on the size and intensity of the earthquake in areas where there are no a dense network of monitoring centers geologist. "

Post by: Published : +2 GMT
Very very nice
You are very nice
You are very nice meshmesha
Thanks to all twitters
twitter is very nice
Thanks to all twitters
twitter is very nice

Twitter to get more information in the event of earthquakes.
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we come back and from our last article Twitter to get more information in the event of earthquakes
Thank you twitter
Twitter to get more information in the event of earthquakes


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