Your payments are currently on hold. Action is required to release payment. More details.
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أجد فوق الدفعات الخاصة بأرباحي اليومية
IMPORTANT: Your payments are currently on hold. Action is required to release payment.
Click the Required Action(s) below for information on resolving your hold. Changes made to these settings after the 15th of the month may apply to either the current or next payment cycle.
General Payments Issue - Please contact AdSense Support to resolve this hold.
ولما على contact AdSense Support
أتحول إلى صفحة أخرى فيها نموذج خاص للاتصال بالدعم
Payment holds
وموجود في النموذج
اربع خانات خانات
الأولى فيها الاسم (ضروري)
والثانية الاميل ضروري
والثالثة الموقع ايضا ضروري
والرابعة للتعليقات اختيارية
قمت بتعبئة هذا النموذج عدة مرات وفي كل مرة
Your message has been submitted to AdSense Support. We'll try to address your concern in a timely manner, but please understand that depending on the volume of emails we receive, it may take up to 48 hours or longer for us to reply. In addition, there may be a delay in our response if you've sent your question during the weekend.
If you haven't found your answer in the Help Center, you may wish to check out some of our additional resources:
- AdSense Help Forum - Users share their knowledge and experiences in this forum, where you can feel free to post your own questions and search or browse for answers.
- AdSense Blog - Get the latest AdSense news, tips, updates.
ولحد الآن لم تصلني اي رسالة او جواب او حل للمشكلة
مع العلم اني استلمت ارباح من ادسنس اكثر من ثلاث مرات سابقا .