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كلمات أغنية " lady gaga. " Again Again


You've gotta a lotta lotta nerve!
Coming here when I'm still with him
And I can't have you, it isn't fair
Born March of '86, my birthday's coming
And if I had one wish
Yeah, you'd be it

When you're 'round
I lose myself inside your mouth
You got brown eyes
Like no one else
Baby make it to me

Again and again
Again, again, again, again
Never stop
Again and again
Again, again, again, again
Never stop, oh

He never really saw me
Or waited when we were hooking up
Yeah he'd a never last
Last week when I was sad
You said that you knew
My eyes change from kinda green
To a kinda blue, yah

When you're 'round
I lose myself inside your mouth
You've got brown eyes
Like no one else
Baby make it to me

Again and again
تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

Again, again, again, again
Never stop
Again and again
Again, again, again, again
Never stop

They tell me if I leave him
Baby would you be there
'Cause maybe you could
Be m-m-mine all the t-t-time

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كلمات الألبوم الرائع Lady Gaga - Edge Of Glory Lyrics
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Bad Romance - Lady GaGa

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