steve jobs quotes

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Let us remember some of Steve Jobs's quotes,
after we and the whole world lost this great person .

I will leave you with the last Steve Jobs's sayings:


" Many companies chose to reduce its size, and perhaps this step went good for them. We, We chose a different path. Our conviction is that if we continue to develop great products for our customers , they will continue to open their pocketbooks."

"Design is not only how it looks somewhat ,It is how thing works ."

"I think we have fun, and I think that our customers really like our products and we always try to get better."

"Innovation and creativity is what distinguishes between the leader and the follower."

"It is piracy, not selling music sites on the Internet, which stands as our prime Competitor"
تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

"You can not ask customers What they want now, and then try to provide them, by the time you made ​​it there and what they asked for, You Will find them want to find something newer ."

Follow us and will add more quotes of this great man, Stephen Jobs

Post by: Published : +2 GMT
Steve Jobs - CEO of Apple and Pixar Onemcn - speaking to students at Stanford University in 2005 in a ceremony at the graduation.
The word was very impressive and the lessons of life so great.

The video

Other steve jobs's quotes


“Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.”

“We don’t get a chance to do that many things, and everyone should be really excellent. Because this is our life.”

“Stay hungry, stay foolish.”

“If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, with any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on.”

>>>> stay tuned <<<
Mr Steve. this legend really should get respect from all other kinds" i saw some ignorant people abuseing him for what????? coz he is not arabic or not muslim!! what a foolsh ppl"
relegion is for Allah" but lets see what Mr steve has made for the all races and nations..
Mr Steve. this legend really should get respect from all other kinds" i saw some ignorant people abuseing him for what????? coz he is not arabic or not muslim!! what a foolsh ppl"
relegion is for Allah" but lets see what Mr steve has made for the all races and nations..
Tkanks X-zero , excellent comments from open-minded person


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