Robert Noyce - YouTube - Birthday of the founder of Intel Corporation

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Robert Noyce was born in 12 - December - 1927 and was at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who received his doctorate in 1953 and Robert Noyce is well-known figure in the State of California
And Robert Noyce invented the microprocessor, a Microprocessor which is called as the integrated circuit, or microchip, and to this day is considered a development of the revolutionary idea of ​​the integrated circuit which is innovation, which are millions of computers today
And founded the Robert Noyce and his colleague Gordon Moore Company and renamed Intel - Intel, a company known to this day in the field of computer which is itself an achievement honors the memory of man, Robert Noyce, who died on June 3, 1990 at the age of 62 years the effect of a heart attack suddenly and today we celebrate the anniversary of the world PC Robert Noyce birthday anniversary of the 83

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