example :
[ALT="me in google search !"]http://s15.postimage.org/x5e6eqzmz/Screen_Shot_2012_09_29_at_7_17_42_PM.png[/ALT]
What is the benifit of using author rich snippet to post personal photo beside my articles in search results?
1- More eye catching to any user to see a photo of the author beside the search result, resulting in much higher CTR on your results, high CTR on your results by its turn will make your results rank better in SERPs.
2- More followers in your Google plus circles, gets you more traffic directly.
3- More page rank for you Google+ profile, making you upcoming posts ranking better, you should have noticed SERPs are highly affected by number of persons in an author circles, let me say a result for an author having 20K in his circles in Google plus usually rank better than an author with 10 - 20 followers.
4- It is a type that Google search verifies that you are the original author and the copyright holder of the text, hence sites who copy your content would rank below, or will even never show up!
So, How to use Google author information to appear beside your work?
This is much easier than you may have thoughtm follow these steps :
1- Sign in to you Google plus account.
2- Go to Authorship, choose a way to verifiy your e-mail.
3- Go to this link and add your blog or website.
4- The final step is to put a link to your profile in your posts, the link should include "?rel=author" and to be DOFOLLOW, like this :
Remember the following :
1- Use a headshot clear nice personal image of you, do not use anyother picture for any other one, it will not show.
2- Some says pretty images get you more traffic, so smile
3- Old posts you have and recently added your author link to may not show instantly with your photo, it will take time for Google bot to revisit these posts, and so to reindex them with your snippet.
Finally test how your articles will show up in search from here :