تحذير هام جدا من ادسنس لأصحاب مواقع العاب الفلاش !
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
اليوم وصلني رسالة من جوجل ادسنس فيها تحذير للناشرين الذين يملكون مواقع العاب فلاش حيث حذرت جوجل ادسنس من وضع اعلانات ادسنس بشكل قريب جدا وملاصق للالعاب لان ذلك من شأنه ان يشتت الزائر ويضغط على الاعلانات بالخطأ لذا تطلب جوجل من جميع الناشرين الذين يملكون العاب فلاش ان يقوموا بابعاد اعلانات جوجل ادسنس عن اللعبة من جميع الجوانب بمسافة لا تقل عن 150 بيكسل وقالت انها ستقوم بمراجعة جميع مواقع العاب الفلاش لتتأكد من ان جميع الناشرين التزموا بالشروط الجديدة وان من لا يطبق هذه الشروط خلال فترة قريبة سيتعرض حسابه للغلق وهذا مفاد الرسالة باللغة الانجليزية
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
اليوم وصلني رسالة من جوجل ادسنس فيها تحذير للناشرين الذين يملكون مواقع العاب فلاش حيث حذرت جوجل ادسنس من وضع اعلانات ادسنس بشكل قريب جدا وملاصق للالعاب لان ذلك من شأنه ان يشتت الزائر ويضغط على الاعلانات بالخطأ لذا تطلب جوجل من جميع الناشرين الذين يملكون العاب فلاش ان يقوموا بابعاد اعلانات جوجل ادسنس عن اللعبة من جميع الجوانب بمسافة لا تقل عن 150 بيكسل وقالت انها ستقوم بمراجعة جميع مواقع العاب الفلاش لتتأكد من ان جميع الناشرين التزموا بالشروط الجديدة وان من لا يطبق هذه الشروط خلال فترة قريبة سيتعرض حسابه للغلق وهذا مفاد الرسالة باللغة الانجليزية
dear publisher,
at google, we’re committed to maintaining a positive ecosystem for our users, publishers and advertisers. We’ve seen some negative trends around advertiser roi and user experience resulting from ad units positioned near dynamic flash content, and so as part of this commitment, we’ll soon be reviewing the value that advertisers are gaining from adsense ad placements on flash gaming sites. We expect that you’ll be impacted by these reviews, though we believe this is crucial to ensure consistency for our users, advertisers and publishers.
Please review your adsense for content units for placements that could result in accidental clicks, and update these implementations as soon as possible, if you haven’t done so already. We recommend positioning ads at a minimum 150 pixels away from any dynamic flash content or game player(s). You can find more detailed information about this on the inside adsense blog: http://adsense.blogspot.com/2010/10/...1-keeping.html .
If you are using the adsense for games product please make sure you are following all guidelines listed in the following document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1...ndplr=1&pli=1#
note that continuing to show ads in a manner that is not consistent with the guidance above may result in warnings from our policy enforcement team. In addition, it will likely lead to earnings adjustments by our ad traffic quality team for clicks that are accidental, and thus invalid. Please note that in cases with significant advertiser risk, we may need to disable ad serving to the affected site, or even to the account.
We understand that this is a challenging issue to manage, but we believe it’s a necessary step in order to maintain the effectiveness and value of the google display network. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Yours sincerely,
the google adsense team
at google, we’re committed to maintaining a positive ecosystem for our users, publishers and advertisers. We’ve seen some negative trends around advertiser roi and user experience resulting from ad units positioned near dynamic flash content, and so as part of this commitment, we’ll soon be reviewing the value that advertisers are gaining from adsense ad placements on flash gaming sites. We expect that you’ll be impacted by these reviews, though we believe this is crucial to ensure consistency for our users, advertisers and publishers.
Please review your adsense for content units for placements that could result in accidental clicks, and update these implementations as soon as possible, if you haven’t done so already. We recommend positioning ads at a minimum 150 pixels away from any dynamic flash content or game player(s). You can find more detailed information about this on the inside adsense blog: http://adsense.blogspot.com/2010/10/...1-keeping.html .
If you are using the adsense for games product please make sure you are following all guidelines listed in the following document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1...ndplr=1&pli=1#
note that continuing to show ads in a manner that is not consistent with the guidance above may result in warnings from our policy enforcement team. In addition, it will likely lead to earnings adjustments by our ad traffic quality team for clicks that are accidental, and thus invalid. Please note that in cases with significant advertiser risk, we may need to disable ad serving to the affected site, or even to the account.
We understand that this is a challenging issue to manage, but we believe it’s a necessary step in order to maintain the effectiveness and value of the google display network. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Yours sincerely,
the google adsense team
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