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منتديات نجوم مصرية منتديات شباب وبنات اغاني - كلمات الاغاني كلمات الاغاني الاجنبية Lyrics

تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

كلمات أغنية جاستن بيبر الجديدة و نيكي ميناج Beauty and a beat


"Beauty And A Beat"
(feat. Nicki Minaj)

Yeah, Young Money, Nicki Minaj, Justin

Show you off, tonight I wanna show you off (eh eh eh)
What you got, a billion could've never bought (eh eh eh)

We gonna party like it's 3012 tonight
I wanna show you all the finer things in life
So just forget about the world, be young tonight
I'm coming for you, I'm coming for you

Cause all I need
Is a beauty and a beat
Who can make my life complete
It's all about you,
When the music makes you move
Baby do it like you do
تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

[Beat break]

Body rock, girl, I can feel your body rock (eh eh eh)
Take a bow, you're on the hottest ticket now (eh eh eh)

We gonna party like it's 3012 tonight
I wanna show you all the finer things in life
So just forget about the world, be young tonight
I'm coming for ya, I'm coming for ya

Cause all I need
Is a beauty and a beat
Who can make my life complete
It's all about you,
When the music makes you move
Baby do it like you do

[Nicki Minaj]
In time, ink lines, bitches couldn't get on my incline
World tour, it's mine, ten little letters, on a big sign
Justin Bieber, you know I'mma hit 'em with the ether
Buns out, wiener, but I gotta keep my eye out for Selena
Beauty, beauty and the beast
Beauty from the east, beautiful confessions of the priest
Beast, beauty from the streets, we don't get deceased
Every time a beauty on the beats

(Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's go, let's go)
Body rock, girl, I wanna feel your body rock

Cause all I need
Is a beauty and a beat
Who can make my life complete
It's all about you,
When the music makes you move
Baby do it like you do

[Beat break]

المقال "كلمات أغنية جاستن بيبر الجديدة و نيكي ميناج Beauty and a beat" نشر بواسطة: بتاريخ:
شكراً ع المجهود الرائع
اين الترجمة للللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللل
ياي ما تعرفون انجليزي
احبك جاستن بيبر خير حب و انت اول شاب قد احبه من اول نطرة ( ay love you justin bibre so math ayyyyyyyyyyyyy llllllloooooooovvvvvveeeeeeeee yyyyyyyoooooooouuuuuuuuuuu justinnnnnnnnnnnn bbbiiiiibbbbbbrrrreeeeeeee and silinaaaaaaaa rooouuuuumizzeeee and gazzmiinnnnnnnnnn bbibbreeeee
العفو :d

اسم العضو:
سؤال عشوائي يجب الاجابة عليه


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