My health is forever

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8.00 - a cup of tea / coffee without sugar
10.00 - 200gr. low-fat cottage cheese
12.00 - 200 gr. cooked meat
14.00 - 1 boiled egg
16.00 - 1 cup tomato juice
18.00 - 1 apple
20.00 - cup buttermilk
And just six days. Desirable to use in more water, tea and coffee are not limited (but without sugar), food can be salt. Hunger is transferred properly - eating every two hours. difficult, only the first day, then the body is drawn, and the solid otvesiki encouraging.
تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

8:00 Coffee, tea, boiled eggs 10:00 12:00 processed cheese with tea 14:00 boiled chicken breast, beef, fish, apple 16:00 18:00 20:00 boiled egg cup of yogurt, tomato juice

Post by: Published : +2 GMT


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