Eid al-Fitr 2013 ( sms - cards - photo - greetings ) / happy feast

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on the first day of the month of Shawwal 1434 Hijri All Muslims Celebrating the Eid al-Fitr

Eid al-Fitr 2013 SMS

Eid is a wonderful day
To Pray
To Love
To Care
To Smile
To Relax
And to thank Allah for His benevolence!
Happy Eid ul-Fitr!


May this happy day be the brightest and the best Eid you have ever had.
Eid Mubarak


E-Embrace with open heart
I-Inculcate good deeds
D-Distribute & share Allah's bounties with the underprivileged
Eid Mubarak!


May Allah accept your good deeds;
Forgive your transgressions;
And ease your worldy sufferings.
Wish you a very joyous and peaceful Eid!


Hope, Love & Laughter;
Warmth, Prosperity & Joy;
A fragrant bouquet filled with life;
You may Enjoy!
A very happy Eid - full of wonderful feasts, jubilation and happines!


May you be guided by your unflinching faith in Allah & shine in His divine blessings!
A very happy Eid ul-Fitr!


24 SmileS..

:-) :-) :-) :-)

For You,

One For Each Hour.!
So ThaT You Keep SMiLiNG 24 HOURS At EiD DaY..

[::. EiD MuBArAK .::]


ScrATch iT..





EiD M||||||

EiD MU|||||

EiD MUB||||




.::. EiD MUBARAK .::.


U Fasted,u Prayed,
U Been Good 4 A Whole 30 Days.
So Ur Merciful Allah Gave U A Sign,
Out Came The Moon 2 Say Come Celebrate..
Happy Eid Mubarak…/


eid al fitr 2013 (cards - photo - greetings )

تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

Post by: Published : +2 GMT


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Hi every one happy feast