بعد خطابه الموجه ضد ارادة الشعب المصري واجه اوباما موجة غضب عارمة من شعبه الامريكي اعتراضا علي خطابه الذي القاه تعقيبا علي تداعيات الاحداث في دولة مصر والتي اعقبت عملية فض اعتصامي رابعة العدوية و النهضة حيث طالب اوباما من الحكومة المصرية ان تقوم برفع حالة الطوارئ التي فرضتها في مصر وطالب ايضا بالسماح للمتظاهرين السلميين بالتعبير عن حقهم السلمي في التظاهر واصدر اوامره بتعليق مناورات النجم الساطع مع مصر وردا علي خطابه قام نشطاء امريكيون بالاحتجاج علي قرارت الرئيس اوباما واعتبروا خطابه داعما للارهاب في مصر الذي وصفوه انه يتمثل في جماعة الاخوان المسلمين وانه استخدم سلطته في دعم العنف في مصر واعربوا ايضا عن رغبتهم في رحيل اوباما والدعوة للقيام بانتخابات رئاسية مبكرة وصل عدد المشاركين في الالتماس المقدم الي عدد 3000 مشارك وفي تزايد مستمر منذ اليوم
We call for an early presidential election, and rebel Obama because of his abuse of power.
The House Judiciary Committee voted on July 27, 1974 to recommend the impeachment against President Nixon because his abuse of power. In 2013 president Obama did the same mistake by abusing his power of authority to support and fund the terrorist organization (Muslim brotherhood which is the founder and leader of Hamas) in the Middle East countries to achieve a destructive objective against those countries which is not accepted by the majority of Americans nor human rights (led to the death of thousands.) Obama developed a wave of hatred against the American government and is leading to lose Egypt as one of USAs very strong alliance, which is also the leading country in its region and this wave transferred to other countries including Tunisia, Syria, and the gulf region.
Created: Aug 15, 2013
We call for an early presidential election, and rebel Obama because of his abuse of power.
The House Judiciary Committee voted on July 27, 1974 to recommend the impeachment against President Nixon because his abuse of power. In 2013 president Obama did the same mistake by abusing his power of authority to support and fund the terrorist organization (Muslim brotherhood which is the founder and leader of Hamas) in the Middle East countries to achieve a destructive objective against those countries which is not accepted by the majority of Americans nor human rights (led to the death of thousands.) Obama developed a wave of hatred against the American government and is leading to lose Egypt as one of USAs very strong alliance, which is also the leading country in its region and this wave transferred to other countries including Tunisia, Syria, and the gulf region.
Created: Aug 15, 2013