Social site has new system now contains large space in every body profile behind profile pictures and this free space contains one rectangle photo called cover photo.
This new system make facebook users very happy and active to show more about their daily status if they upset,happy,angry or in love status , we can call this system huge emotions as it contains ur feelings.
so these days more sites became specialized in cover photos designs and more facebook applications appear for covers to give chance for fb users to choose one photo among millions of cover photos , comedy , romantic , lovely , action , fantastic photos as facebook managers always try making users happy enough to choose facebook their favorite site always.
Now i picked the best cover photos surprised me on facebook applications and other sites specialized , i hope to see your target photo here in this collection, and leave your reply with your best photo.
Facebook cover photos
if you want more cover photos just tell me in private or in a reply on this post
This new system make facebook users very happy and active to show more about their daily status if they upset,happy,angry or in love status , we can call this system huge emotions as it contains ur feelings.
so these days more sites became specialized in cover photos designs and more facebook applications appear for covers to give chance for fb users to choose one photo among millions of cover photos , comedy , romantic , lovely , action , fantastic photos as facebook managers always try making users happy enough to choose facebook their favorite site always.
Now i picked the best cover photos surprised me on facebook applications and other sites specialized , i hope to see your target photo here in this collection, and leave your reply with your best photo.
Facebook cover photos
if you want more cover photos just tell me in private or in a reply on this post