BBM for Android and IOs Blackberry Messenger on Google play 2014 today BBM for all now you can use it on other smart phone
#BBM4all a new hash tag after Blackberry announce that today 21-9-2013 Blackberry Messenger BBM will be available for download on Google play apps market for android smart phones to downland from and tomorrow 22 September 2013 owners of any IOs Apple smart phone Iphone can download BBM from Apple store
[ALT="download BBM google play android 2013 apple store itunes iphone"][/ALT]
BBM Blackberry Messenger for Android and IOs will have BBM Chat , sharing files and photos , BBM Groups , BBM pin on Aoogle Android and IOs apple unique for every Blackberry Messenger user
BBM will be only for Android 4.x smart phones latest software version android sandwich ice cream and android jelly bean for all brands like samsung sony Motorola HTC LG etc.
[ALT="download BBM for android google play now"][/ALT]
BBM for iphone will be available for download soon for all IOs smart phones users for free an instant messaging application that was one of the main advantages of blackberry phones now every one can use it and have his own unique BBM pin
[ALT="download BBm for iphone now 2013 official"][/ALT]
BBM Download link for Android on google paly and for iphone on apple store will be available soon here on and you also could find official blackberryMessenger after few days when you search for BBM on google paly for android store here and download it and the same for iphone users BBM on apple store
BBM for Android
#BBM4all a new hash tag after Blackberry announce that today 21-9-2013 Blackberry Messenger BBM will be available for download on Google play apps market for android smart phones to downland from and tomorrow 22 September 2013 owners of any IOs Apple smart phone Iphone can download BBM from Apple store
[ALT="download BBM google play android 2013 apple store itunes iphone"][/ALT]
BBM for Android google play store
BBM Blackberry Messenger for Android and IOs will have BBM Chat , sharing files and photos , BBM Groups , BBM pin on Aoogle Android and IOs apple unique for every Blackberry Messenger user
BBM will be only for Android 4.x smart phones latest software version android sandwich ice cream and android jelly bean for all brands like samsung sony Motorola HTC LG etc.
[ALT="download BBM for android google play now"][/ALT]
BBM for iphone apple store ios
BBM for iphone will be available for download soon for all IOs smart phones users for free an instant messaging application that was one of the main advantages of blackberry phones now every one can use it and have his own unique BBM pin
[ALT="download BBm for iphone now 2013 official"][/ALT]
Download BBM for Android & iphone
BBM Download link for Android on google paly and for iphone on apple store will be available soon here on and you also could find official blackberryMessenger after few days when you search for BBM on google paly for android store here and download it and the same for iphone users BBM on apple store