Under Mr. Fahmi Huwaidi in favor of the Brothers and supporting them in many situations , but it seems that the decline recently when he wrote an article in Sunrise , entitled : "From effect drinking poison for the home ? Dated 23 Sept. , he called in his article to deliver Brotherhood facto and desist from sit-ins and demonstrations for the home , and it was what he said in the article :
"I did not think about whether what happened is he a coup or revolution? , And I'm not busy including fault and ? But I would argue that the nation and the nation together need to party brave advance in order to extinguish the fire and save Egypt from the wind poisoned that blew out , and launched the monsters anger and revenge and calls for uprooting and genocide , which calls me to ask the following question: the effect drinking poison to do to the nation that service at the moment ? I can not imagine a mind to claim the existing power that step , not only because it is based on the army and police , but also because of the support of broad public her , so I like to call the Muslim Brotherhood and their allies , and those personal side of the adventure did not consult anyone not express one . "
This is what Mr. Fahmi Huwaidi , if at all refer to the right to a virtue