Treatment of Mitral Stenosis

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I: Organic
 Rheumatic heart disease: the most common cause. More common in
females and develops about 20 years after the causative rheumatic
 Congenital: as in parachute mitral valve.
 LA myxoma.
 Calcific MS in old age

II: Functional
• Austin-Flint: due to elevation of anterior mitral cusp by AR jet.
• Carry-Coombs: due to oedema of the cusp in acute rheumatic fever
• Increased blood flow across the mitral valve as in MR


1. Medical
 Prophylaxis against rheumatic activity or infective endocarditis
 Treatment of complications e.g. Lung congestion (by diuretics), AF(by digitalis
and anticoagulants) and treatment of chest infections

2. Surgical

o Method:
 Valvotomy(closed or open)
 Valve replacement: in cases associated with MR, or markedly fibrosed or calcified
o Indications:
1. Tight mitral stenosis (MVA< 1 cm2).
2. Embolization with no significant patient incapacitation
3. Severe symptoms not controlled by medical treatment
تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

o Complications:
1- Mitral incompetence
2- Restenosis
3- Embolization
4- Arrhythmia
5- Infective endocarditis
6- Post-Cardiotomy syndrome
7- Complications of prosthetic valves
• Thrombo-embolism
• Mechanical dysfunction e.g. stuck valve
• Hemolytic anemia
• Complications of anticoagulation

3. Balloon valvotomy
This is indicated when:
- Stenosis results from commissural fusion with minimal calcification or involvement
of the subvalvular structures.
-Patient unfit for surgery

• Early operation before development of pulmonary hypertension gives the best results
• In patients with pulmonary hypertension, post surgical reduction of PAP can be
predicted preoperatively by dobutamine or nitrate infusion effect on PAP
• Prophylaxis against infective endocarditis is essential following valvotomy or valve
• Anticoagulants after valve replacement is needed to prevent thromboembolism(INR
kept around 2-3)

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