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منتديات نجوم مصرية منتدى الكمبيوتر والانترنت منتدى النقاش حول مشاكل الكمبيوتر والإنترنت

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إختصارات الكيبورد Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Windows System

Windows Key: will open the Start menu
Windows Key+Break: will display the System Properties dialogue box
Windows Key+D: will minimize the windows to show the Desktop
Windows Key+E: will open Internet Explorer
Windows Key+F: will open the Search option for files and folders
Windows Key+F+CTRL: will open Search option for computer
Windows Key+F1: will display Help/Assistance option
Windows Key+L: will lock your Desktop
Windows Key+M: will minimize or restore all windows
Windows Key+R: will open the RUN option
Windows Key+TAB: will switch between open items
Windows Key+U: will open Utility Manager
ALT+ Hyphen: will display the Multiple Document Interface child window’s System menu
ALT+ ENTER: will view the properties for the selected object
ALT+ ESC: will cycle through the items in the order that they were opened
ALT+ F4: will close all the window that is open
ALT+ SPACEBAR: will display the System menu
ALT+TAB: switch from one open program to another on your taskbar.
F1: used to request help/assistance
SHIFT: If you press and hold down the SHIFT key while inserting a CD-ROM it will skip the automatic-run feature
SHIFT+DELETE: will delete the file permanently
CTRL+ESC: will open the Start Menu
In a General Folder and text programs

Ctrl + A: will select all items
Ctrl + B: will organize your Favorites in Internet Explorer
Ctrl + C: will copy the selected item
Ctrl + F: will open the Search options
Ctrl + H: will allow you to replace some text
Ctrl + N: will create a new folder
Ctrl + O: will open a new document
Ctrl + P: will print the selected document
Ctrl + S: will save the current document
Ctrl + V: will copy the selected item
Ctrl + W: will close the current window
Ctrl + X: will cut the current item
Ctrl + Y: will repeat the last action that has been cancelled
Ctrl + Z: will undo the last action

In a General Folder

CTRL+F4: list the address menu paths
SHIFT+F10: Opens right click shortcut menu
ALT+DOWN ARROW: will open a drop-down list box
ALT+SPACE: will list the window's System menu
ALT+Underlined Letter in Menu: Opens the menu
F10: Opens Menu Bar options
For a Selected Item a Folder

F3: Opens the Search option
F5: will refresh the current folder
F6: will move along the panes in Windows Explorer
CTRL+ X: Cut an item
CTRL+ C: Copy an item
CTRL+ V: Paste an item
SHIFT+DELETE: will delete this item permanently.
ALT+ENTER: will open the properties option for the selected item.
CTRL+ G: will open the “Go To” Folder tool (in Windows 95 Windows Explorer only)
CTRL+ A: will select all the items in the current window
BACKSPACE: will switch to the parent folder
F2: used to rename the item
For Microsoft Word

CTRL+ N: will promptly open a Word document
CTRL+ O: will open a previously saved Word document
CTRL+ W: will close the current window without exiting Word
CTRL+ S: will save the current document
CTRL+ P: will promptly print the current document
CTRL+ Z: will undo the last action
CTRL+ Y: will restore an undone action
CTRL+ X: will cut the selected text
CTRL+ C: will copy the selected text
CTRL+ V: will paste the selected text
CTRL+ A: will select the whole document
CTRL+ F: will search for a specific text in the current document
CTRL+ B: will bold the selected text
CTRL+ I: will put in italics the selected text
CTRL+ U: will underline the selected text

For Microsoft Excel

CTRL+ N: will promptly open an Excel document
CTRL+ O: will open a previously saved Excel document
CTRL+ W: will close the current window without exiting Excel
CTRL+ S: will save the current document
CTRL+ P: will promptly print the current document
CTRL+ Z: will undo the last action
CTRL+ Y: will restore an undone action
CTRL+ X: will cut the selected text
CTRL+ C: will copy the selected text
CTRL+ V: will paste the selected text
CTRL+ A: will select the whole document
CTRL+ F: will search for a specific text in the current document
CTRL+ B: will bold the selected text
CTRL+ I: will put in italics the selected text
CTRL+ U: will underline the selected text
F1: will prompt the Help option
F2: will edit the document
F3: will paste the name
F4: will repeat the last action
F5: will open the Go To option
F6: will switch to the next pane
F7: will launch the Spell Check option
F8: will allow the Extend Mode
F9: will recalculate all workbooks
F10: will activate the menu bar
F11: will open a new chart
F12: will save the document.

For Microsoft PowerPoint

F4: will repeat the last action
F5: will start a slide show
F6: will switch to the next pane in a clockwise way
CTRL+ EQUAL SIGN: will apply a subscript formatting
CTRL+ ADDITION SIGN: will apply a superscript formatting
CTRL+ BACKSPACE: will delete a word
CTRL+ F: will find a particular text
CTRL+ K: will insert a hyperlink
CTRL+ M: will insert a slide
CTRL+ I: will set the text into italics
CTRL+ D: will copy the current slide
CTRL+ O: will open a previously saved PowerPoint file
CTRL+ T: will open a Font dialogue
CTRL+ Y: will repeat last action
CTRL+ G: to view guides
SHIFT+ ALT+ LEFT ARROW: will promote a paragraph
SHIFT+ F3: will capitalize the text
SHIFT+ALT+ RIGHT ARROW: will demote a paragraph
SHIFT+F6: will switch to the previous pane in an anticlockwise way.

For Internet Explorer

F11: will allow the full screen option
TAB KEY: will enable you to move through the items, address bar and links on your webpage
ALT+HOME: will go to your home page
ALT+LEFT ARROW: will go to the previous page
SHIFT+F10: will display a shortcut menu for the link
CTRL+TAB: will move forward between tabs
SHIFT+CTRL+TAB: will move back between frames
UP ARROW KEY: will scroll towards the beginning of the webpage
DOWN ARROW KEY: will scroll towards the end to the webpage
PAGE UP: will scroll by sections towards the beginning of the webpage
PAGE DOWN: will scroll by sections towards the end of the webpage
HOME: will move directly to the beginning of the webpage
END: will move directly to the end of the webpage
CTRL+F: will find some text on the page
F5: will refresh the current page
ESC: will stop loading the page
CTRL+ N: will open a new window
تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

CTRL+ E: will open the Search option in the Explorer bar
CTRL+ I: will open the Favorites option in Explorer bar
CTRL+ H: will open the History option in Explorer bar
F1: will display the Internet Explorer help

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