نجوم مصرية
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تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

كورسات مهمة لطلبة هندسة حاسبات ونظم معلومات


eDoradus Learning Solutions division announces providing the following courses for Computer Engineering and Computer Science students

Object Oriented Programming with C++
Topics Covered: Introduction to Computers and Programming, Variables, operators, Expressions, Methods, Decision Statements, Value and Reference Types, Arrays, Introduction to Object Oriented Programming, Classes and Objects, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Interfaces and Polymorphism, Final Project.

Object Oriented Programming with C#
Topics Covered: Introduction to Computers and Programming, Variables, operators, Expressions, Methods, Decision Statements, Value and Reference Types, Arrays, Introduction to Object Oriented Programming, Classes and Objects, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Interfaces and Polymorphism, Final Project.

Software Engineering
Topics Covered: Introduction to Software Engineering, Overview of Phases, Systems Modeling, Process Modeling, Data Modeling, Production Quality Software, Software Design, Design Patterns, Architectural Design, Software Testing, Structural Programming, Software Metrics and Quality, Verification and Validation, Software Evolution, Software Reuse, Project Time Management and Quality Management Systems.

Distributed Systems
Topics Covered: Introduction to Computer Systems, System Design, Introduction to Operating Systems, Introduction to Distributed Systems, Networks, Naming, Distributed Storage, Time and Coordination, Transactions, Distributed Transactions, Replication, Case Studies.

Data Structure and Algorithms
Topics covered include: Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists, Dictionaries, Priority Queues, Sorting, Search Trees, Heaps, And Hashing, Divide-And-Conquer, Graph Algorithms, Shortest Paths.

Relational Database Management Systems and Structured Query Language (SQL)
Topics Covered: Overview Of Database Management Systems, Entity Relationship Model, Relational Models, Relational Integrity, Relational Algebra, SQL Data Types, Data Definition Language DDL, Projection, Selection, Data Modification Language DML.

Operating Systems
Topics Covered: Introduction to OS, Concurrency, Processes and Threads, Synchronization, Mutual Exclusion, Semaphores, Monitors, Readers and Writers, Deadlocks, Address Translation, Caching, Page Allocation and Replacement, File System and Disk Management, Naming, Directories, Distributed System.

Compilers and Compilers Construction
Topics Covered: Compilers, Analysis of the source program, The phases of a compiler, Cousins of the compiler, The grouping of phases, Overview Syntax definition, Syntax-directed translation, Parsing, A translator for simple expressions, Lexical analysis, Incorporating a symbol table, Abstract stack machines, Syntax analysis, Type checking, Write your own compiler.

Theory of Computation
Topics Covered: Introduction to Automata Theory, Deterministic Finite Automata, Nondeterministic Finite Automata, Regular Expressions and Languages, Context-Free Languages.

Graph Theory
Topics Covered: Introduction to Graphs, Edges, Paths, Cycles, Trails, Degrees, Vertex, Directed Graphs, Trees, Spanning Trees.

Data Encryption and Cryptography
تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

Topics Covered: Introduction to Data Security, Security Services: Integrity, Confidentiality, Authentication, Authorization, Classical Encryption Techniques, Symmetric Encryption Algorithms (AES, DES, Triple DES), Asymmetric Encryptions Algorithms (RSA), Secure Hashing Algorithms (SHA), ,Message Security

The courses’ syllabus can be customized based on the group needs.

We offers fully equipped training labs in October 6 City and Heliopolis - Cairo.

Special discount for groups of five students or more.

The company team consists of engineering professionals who have both the academic excellence -graduated with grade Excellent with Honor degree- and professional experience. The team includes TAs (Teaching Assistants).
Team members C.V’s available upon request.

Contact Information:
Email: contact@edoradus.com
Website: www.edoradus.com

المقال "كورسات مهمة لطلبة هندسة حاسبات ونظم معلومات" نشر بواسطة: بتاريخ:

eDoradus Learning Solutions division announces providing the following courses for Computer Engineering and Computer Science students

Object Oriented Programming with C++
Topics Covered: Introduction to Computers and Programming, Variables, operators, Expressions, Methods, Decision Statements, Value and Reference Types, Arrays, Introduction to Object Oriented Programming, Classes and Objects, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Interfaces and Polymorphism, Final Project.

Object Oriented Programming with C#
Topics Covered: Introduction to Computers and Programming, Variables, operators, Expressions, Methods, Decision Statements, Value and Reference Types, Arrays, Introduction to Object Oriented Programming, Classes and Objects, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Interfaces and Polymorphism, Final Project.

Software Engineering
Topics Covered: Introduction to Software Engineering, Overview of Phases, Systems Modeling, Process Modeling, Data Modeling, Production Quality Software, Software Design, Design Patterns, Architectural Design, Software Testing, Structural Programming, Software Metrics and Quality, Verification and Validation, Software Evolution, Software Reuse, Project Time Management and Quality Management Systems.

Distributed Systems
Topics Covered: Introduction to Computer Systems, System Design, Introduction to Operating Systems, Introduction to Distributed Systems, Networks, Naming, Distributed Storage, Time and Coordination, Transactions, Distributed Transactions, Replication, Case Studies.

Data Structure and Algorithms
Topics covered include: Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists, Dictionaries, Priority Queues, Sorting, Search Trees, Heaps, And Hashing, Divide-And-Conquer, Graph Algorithms, Shortest Paths.

Relational Database Management Systems and Structured Query Language (SQL)
Topics Covered: Overview Of Database Management Systems, Entity Relationship Model, Relational Models, Relational Integrity, Relational Algebra, SQL Data Types, Data Definition Language DDL, Projection, Selection, Data Modification Language DML.

Operating Systems
Topics Covered: Introduction to OS, Concurrency, Processes and Threads, Synchronization, Mutual Exclusion, Semaphores, Monitors, Readers and Writers, Deadlocks, Address Translation, Caching, Page Allocation and Replacement, File System and Disk Management, Naming, Directories, Distributed System.

Compilers and Compilers Construction
Topics Covered: Compilers, Analysis of the source program, The phases of a compiler, Cousins of the compiler, The grouping of phases, Overview Syntax definition, Syntax-directed translation, Parsing, A translator for simple expressions, Lexical analysis, Incorporating a symbol table, Abstract stack machines, Syntax analysis, Type checking, Write your own compiler.

Theory of Computation
Topics Covered: Introduction to Automata Theory, Deterministic Finite Automata, Nondeterministic Finite Automata, Regular Expressions and Languages, Context-Free Languages.

Graph Theory
Topics Covered: Introduction to Graphs, Edges, Paths, Cycles, Trails, Degrees, Vertex, Directed Graphs, Trees, Spanning Trees.

Data Encryption and Cryptography
Topics Covered: Introduction to Data Security, Security Services: Integrity, Confidentiality, Authentication, Authorization, Classical Encryption Techniques, Symmetric Encryption Algorithms (AES, DES, Triple DES), Asymmetric Encryptions Algorithms (RSA), Secure Hashing Algorithms (SHA), ,Message Security

The courses’ syllabus can be customized based on the group needs.

We offers fully equipped training labs in October 6 City and Heliopolis - Cairo.

Special discount for groups of five students or more.

The company team consists of engineering professionals who have both the academic excellence -graduated with grade Excellent with Honor degree- and professional experience. The team includes TAs (Teaching Assistants).
Team members C.V’s available upon request.

Contact Information:
Email: contact@edoradus.com
Website: www.edoradus.com

اسم العضو:
سؤال عشوائي يجب الاجابة عليه


رابط دائم

مواضيع مشابهة:
استفسار : هندسة حاسبات وتحكم وعايزة اعرف ايه الكورسات
نتائج امتحانات جامعة أسيوط - حاسبات - هندسة - تمريض - حقوق - تربية رياضية - صيدلة
هام لطلبة اعدادى هندسة القاهرة 2009 - 2010
أدخل هندسة ولا حاسبات؟ خايف أسقط في هندسة
لطلبة تجارة/ كتب د/ عبدالقادر محمد ... عميد كلية التجارة ..مهمة جدا

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