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Data Blocks for oracle 10g


Types of Blocks
In Forms Builder there are two main types of blocks: data blocks and control blocks.
Data Blocks
When you build database applications with Forms Builder, many of the blocks will be data blocks. A data block is associated with a specific database table (or view), a stored procedure, a FROM clause query, or transactional triggers.
If it is based on a table (or view), the data block can be based on only one base table, even though the data block can be programmed to access data from more than one table and data sources. By default, the association between a data block and the database enables the user to automatically access and manipulate data in the database. However, to access data from other tables (nonbase tables), you need to write triggers.

1 Base table source
2 Single-record data block
تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

3 Trigger access
4 Nonbase table source
5 Multirecord data block
6 Record

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مواضيع مشابهة:
مكونات قاعدة البيانات للاوراكل للمبتدئين oracle data base
Types of Blocks (continued) Data Blocks continued)
introduction to Oracle Forms Developer and Oracle Forms Services

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