Do you really think that who arranged for this huge attack was really a man living in caves in Afghanistan ?
Do you really think that 19 persons succeeded in passing to the airplane with their knives or weapons?
Do you really think that a person ,whatever how he trained, can drive a plane precisely
to the two buildings this accurate way....there are some pilots aren't capable of doing it
this way after there long years of training
You believe your American government and you believe George Bush because you want to...
All people now are pretty sure president Roosevelt knew about the attack of Pearl Harbor and did nothing to use it as a reason for entring WW2.
Any man at that time would think of the President knowing about the attacks as a rediculous Idea
watch this
"Personally, US CIA did not convince me about their story, and I’m still having doubt that there is a dirty hand from US government behind this. Please some one explains to me how CIA found Mohammed Ata’a passport?"
Bin Laden was an american soldier when he fight against Soviet Union
what makes him fight for them america if it's people are "disbelievers" ?
it is not allowed at all to fight with disbelievers (as he think of the american people)
and then what makes him change his mind to fight against them?
Final notes I would like to say :
1- Any suisider in Islam is considered Kafir
2- Islam Forbid killing Civilians