When the ants building bridges a great example of sacrifice and cooperation

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Not the end of the wondrous world of secrets ... It is a world ants ... Every day reveals something new appears scientists and magnificence of this creature

Scientists say that the weight of the ant's brain is part of a hundred grams, and the great whale's brain more than a hundred thousand times the ant's brain, and despite of that, the Ant tasks and work smart to excel with this whale! This raises an exclamation point scientists, hesitations,
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Every day, say scientists that the world of insects, especially ants is one of the things are very complex, and it is logical that the ant has developed itself, because the brain of the ant is not low enough to handle this vast amount of information which is used by the ant during the performance of its functions. See in the image header ant and inside small brain has, which contains up to 300,000 neurons, the human brain contains more than a trillion cells, more cells of the brain of the ant with hundreds of thousands of times, and in spite of this small brain found it can handle all the information you need ant , is evidence of a program prior to this brain.

Scientists monitored the world ants consuming and thought at first that a finite world is not thinking of does not make sense not to speak! But it turns out finally that the ants are a nation just like us, his laws and his life and his intelligence, shows that the Engineering Building at the ants is much older than humans, where the ants millions of years ago to build houses and newly scientists uncover how to build bridges when the ants.

It says in the new study (according to Reuters site) that the method upon which the ants to cross the drill is to build bridges Balojdzisad! British researchers have said that swarms of ants, while darker shades of boring holes in the track, some of them sacrifice for the sake of the remaining terms of baptizing each other to stretch inside the rough spots to make a smoother road for the rest of the flock.

They found that the species of ants live in Central and South America chooses members of the squadron fits the size of their bodies the size of the hole to be filled. And they report in the journal Animal Behaviour may unite a number of members of the squadron to fill the biggest hole!

Consider this bridge and how the neighborhood has some of the ants sacrifice for the sake of others, and scientists say that the ants that make their bodies from the bridge suffer greatly during the passage of ants above, but be patient and bear true Kaljsr remain intact even with another ant!

Studied Scott Powell and Nigel Franks of the University of Bristol species of ants called Aisithon burchellii, which march walking across the forest of Central America and South America in swarms of up to 200 thousand ant!
And always remain linked to the colony through a long line of ants. But this highway of living ants can be extremely uneven as it passes over leaves and twigs on the forest floor.

In this picture how to stick to some of some of the ants to build a solid bridge, this bridge used to cross it from thethe West ants to another , andemphasizes the scientists who have studied this phenomenon that ants choose carefully the appropriate sizes for Nmlat that will sacrifice itself and make this bridge !

The small number of ants to fill the gaps to make a smooth. The scientists say: The Ants his own do-it on himself to repair roads, Powell said: "When ants climb reflects Squadron, which filled the gaps to the outside that drilling and her colleagues trace back to the colony. In general, our research shows that a simple play behavior than the perfection of a few worker ants that can improve the performance of the majority, leading to the usefulness of PET colony as a whole.

Says researcher James Traniello after research conducted at Boston University on neurology ant: This behavior is the complexity of the ant programmer, each ant know in advance what they must do, Valenmlp small with limited functions fit the size, but Ant young and strong are the functions of the defense of the colony and the collection food and other difficult tasks, but Ant Vtazl great age and have the care and attention!

We have conducted a Franks and Powell in the laboratory experiments to demonstrate this behavior. Franks said we have filled with wooden panels with holes of different sizes in the paths of the ants to see how it would comply with the different sizes of ant holes of different sizes. In fact, ants are a great act. It was the ants choose the most appropriate way to build the bridge baffles scientists and makes them wonder: How I Learned ant this technology in construction, while we find that humans build a similar bridge would require complex engineering calculations.

The engineering building bridges when the ants technology is very sophisticated and at no cost, just a little sacrifice and cooperation, which is deemed strange by scientists such large energy provided by the ants during the manufacture of the bridge the neighborhood, and admire the patience and done to this great effort and programmer, and therefore assert that the ant has the intelligence of a high and love Ants to her sisters,

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