The effects of the most serious earthquake in Japan to the world

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Aftershocks hit, with a magnitude of 6.4 ° on the Richter scale, an area on after 51 miles of the reactor, "Fukushima" nuclear, which saw an explosion earlier today (Saturday), in the wake of the violent earthquake that hit Japan yesterday, with a magnitude of 9.8 on the Richter scale.

The network, "CNN," America, this evening, that of the seismic has hit the region during the last hour, noting that there were no reported so far for the fall damaged by this earthquake.

She added that the U.S. network of more than 180 seismic aftershocks hit Japan since Monday's quake, which resulted in a tsunami, "Tsunami," which was the worst disaster to hit Japan since more than 140 years.

The total death toll from this earthquake about 900 people so far, and is expected to rise this outcome.

Aftershocks hit the area near the reactor, "Fukushima"


Company officials said Tokyo Electric Power said they had lost control of some of the pressure in the reactor facility Fukushima, and still the pressure is increasing, according to the BBC, "BBC."

The radio quoted by the agency Koiyodo Japanese workers that the company confirmed disable refrigeration systems in the three reactors at the terminal.

The workers of the company that there is the diversion of steam Icaay of the station, pointing out that the leakage radiation inside the station has risen to a thousand times the natural rate, as reported by the agency.

In a related development, according to the Associated Press of America, Japan declared a state of nuclear emergency at a nuclear plant again after you disable the cooling system.
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Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan


At U.S. man in the middle of the second decade of age died on the shores of California, after he ignored all the warnings and the official decided to go to the coast to monitor the tsunami waves, which arrived to the United States, after the massive earthquake in eastern Japan.

According to the channel "CNN," said Joe Young, a spokesman for local police in California, the young man remained standing on the beach with waves approaching him, trying to take sexy pictures even swept away by waves on her way back to the sea, down the coast.

According to Young, that the young man who was not evidenced by his statements did not die alone, where he was accompanied by two of his friends, has also Jrvathma waves, but managed to escape and return to the beach.

Tsunami was highly ten meters swept the coast of Sendai, northeast Japan after an earthquake measuring 8.9, which occurred earlier in the day Friday, killing 32 people and dozens missing.

Post by: Published : +2 GMT


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