Alia El Mahdy pictures in Sweden objection to the Constitution

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Alia Mahdy is Girl secular of a special nature with the Egyptian society and Arab as it appeared after the January 25 revolution in a manner unacceptable in customs and traditions to express political event and see that this is the freedom that rejects Arab and Arab women deprived of their liberty to wear veil The reaction is outraged Arabs and claim to kill her and at the same time watching nude pictures. Today, back Alia El Mahdy of new media arena in the country of Sweden when I decided to go to the Egyptian Embassy in Sweden and stand and raise a banner which objects to the Egyptian constitution and, as usual, Alia Mahdi objected to the events full Baery. The disaster, which is an unforgivable it put the Koran on a sensitive place in the body and this lack of respect for the heavenly religions and contrary to all freedoms.
تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

Finally, I ask every reader a European, Arab and Asian and across the world that shows us what are the limits of freedom from your point of view?Will you accept the position of Alia Mahdi? . Alia El Mahdy abnormal personality and suffers from mental illness and need a quick fix and this likely scenario now or is the girl carrying extremist agenda against religions and must be addressed immediately, whether Muslims, Christians and Jews

Post by: Published : +2 GMT
اجتماعى اخر حاجه
Alia Mahdi in the first dialogue after her striptease in front of the Egyptian embassy in Sweden

Alia Mahdi confirmed that it had received letters insults and death threats and added that religious books are not sacred but restrict peoples thinking and contain racist ideas and call for hatred and violence. And the status of religious books on the genitals is degrading or dirty and it's normal.In the end, announced its rejection of the constitution.


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