English Grammar ,1st section : Nouns in the English language part 1

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Nouns gender : at first , there is no distinctions between masculine , feminine and neuter in English nouns . But gender could be shown by different words or different forms .

Examples :
different words :
masculine................................ feminine

man............................................... .......woman
uncle............................................. ..... aunt
boy............................................... ....... girl

different forms :

masculine........................................ feminine
prince............................................ ........ princess
تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

hero.............................................. ........ heroine
waiter .................................................. waitress

You should knew that some nouns can be used for either a masculine or a feminine subject .

Examples :

doctor .............cousin......... teacher........ cook ..etc

Ali is my cousin . He is my cousin
Sarah is my cousin . She is my cousin
Ahmed is a doctor . He is a doctor
Nadia is a doctor . She is a doctor

Notice : You should knew that you can not make the distinction by adding the words male , or female to the words .

Examples :

a male cousin , a female teacher

But for profession we can add the word " woman " :

Example :

a woman doctor , a woman journalist

At the end ;
see you at next lesson with English Grammar

Post by: Published : +2 GMT


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