the blackbeard wanted his crew very healthy so he injected them !!

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At first ; If you don't knew who is the Blackbeard ?? i will tell you . The Blackbeard was the most famous pirate ever who the spanish , frensh and British navies had suffered with him . He had the Blackbeard Flag ship which had sank by the Queen Ann Revenge ship neat to the shores of Carolina at the North .

When the Archaelogists found the ship at 1990 they found also within the wreckage of the ship, including medical syringe special tools to heal the wounded and to stop the bleeding has not been accessible since 300 years ago, but I think that everyone wanted to be on the crew of his ship completes the health and his best always.

it is known that a personal Black, however, as reported by the movies they are vague and sorcery which raised eyebrows everyone also when they found through the wreckage of his ship lying under water some of its own tools, which date back more than 300 years ago show that the aristocratic man living an upscale life and not, as has been a shift in pirate movies .. It was also the most feared pirates everyone Week

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